About Me

~ Don’t give up on your dreams just because you: encounter a few bumps on the road, someone tells that you are not good enough, who are they to tell you that? you don’t have all you need, life has been unfair, it’s taking too long to accomplish. You were born for a great purpose. Keep your dreams alive. See on the flip side of life ~ Eston Swaby. This quote clearly my Beliefs in life. I am 21 years old; I teach at Rawafid school. I am an English teacher. . I graduated last year from LIU.I love my job, and I'm always motivated to give more because Dr. Amal Farhat always supports me

Monday, April 9, 2018

There was a project for grade 5 students; the students were supposed to make something out of materials (reuse). They bring what they create to the class, explained what they did step by step, and they presented its importance. The students were really creative; the material they used was simple, but the final product was really great. The students enjoyed creating thing out of used materials. Also, they learned that simple things can be useful if they have been used properly. It was really essential to teach the kids how they can benefit from everything. Reusing the materials can solve a problem, and it can save money as well. I really appreciate your efforts and your creativity my little Cupcakes! In our school, Al-Rawafid, we support creativity in any domain as much as possible, and its part of our philosophy that the student is the basic ingredient of the learning process. We work as hard as we can to make our students much more skillful and creative; we work hard to make learning Meaningful!


  1. I'm a big supporter of creativity. it does not only enhance students' thinking but also discover learning! nice activity Zeinab~

  2. Dear Zainab, although creativity is often defined in terms of new and useful products, I believe it makes more sense to define it in terms of processes. In this global technological change and sustainability challenges, we need to increase creativity levels.
