About Me

~ Don’t give up on your dreams just because you: encounter a few bumps on the road, someone tells that you are not good enough, who are they to tell you that? you don’t have all you need, life has been unfair, it’s taking too long to accomplish. You were born for a great purpose. Keep your dreams alive. See on the flip side of life ~ Eston Swaby. This quote clearly my Beliefs in life. I am 21 years old; I teach at Rawafid school. I am an English teacher. . I graduated last year from LIU.I love my job, and I'm always motivated to give more because Dr. Amal Farhat always supports me

Monday, April 9, 2018

  At secondary level, the teacher was perfect. She had the most effective tools that caught students’ attention. She taught us English in a new way. Her personality and her language were perfect just like her. When they ask me which teacher left a touch in your school, I just mention her name T. Amal Farhat. She made me love English. Her activities were interesting, beneficial, and valuable. She motivated me a lot. She is a good listener, supportive, active, lively, full of energy, and creative. I’ve learnt many things from her, she built my confidence. She motivated us to do things much better. And also pushed us to write, speak, and read English. I learned new words, some structures, and affirmed a lot of rules in my mind. Group work, free writing, attractive topics, free reading, interesting activities for practice, support, motivation, reinforcement, and positive feedback were really effective for me. One day she told me and some girls that she wanted to talk with us after class. We went with her outside and she told us that we have nice ideas, we are creative, and we can write something good. I participated in that competition, I wrote a poem “Your Buddy”, the teacher corrected some mistakes, so I won the 3rd place. I really appreciate her; she inspired me to be an English language teacher.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I am flattered Zaynab. Reading your post in the morning just made my day. I am so glad I got to teach you both at high school and at the university level.
